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Hospitals And Medical Institutions in US to Ditch Meat, Eggs, Dairy - 2017 Annual AMA conference, Chicago

Another Breakthrough milestone achieved in the international medical and healthcare industry!
They are among the groups of forefront leaders in medical healthcare lines.

They are the upholders of REAL truth with compassion and conscience, not afraid to speak up truth, in order to serve people of the world, be it directly or indirectly, thru various solid actions and initiatives.

They believe that Preventive Health Care is the right direction towards sustainable living not only for human, but in turns the benefits extended to ALL other animal beings and the planet.
It took 100 years or more for global medical and healthcare communities to finally wake up to the reality and start taking much more proactive initiatives to promote plant-based dietary habits.
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On Sept 1907, New York Times published an article “Cancer Increasing Among Meat Eaters” based on a 7-year scientific study.

Science and medical research from worldwide over the past 40 years had further proven the fact that dietary diseases cannot be prevented or cured with medical interventions -- medical tests, pills and surgery, but through  changes in personal lifestyle habits, in which dietary habits play a very large role.
George McGovern, passed away at age 90, was best known for his 1972 presidential defeat to Richard Nixon, but he also chaired a committee that released the very FIRST dietary guidelines for US Government and the people in January 1977.

Quoted from the press conference of their release:
The simple fact is our diets have changed radically with the last 50 years with very harmful effects on our health........... The diet of the American people has become increasingly rich – rich in meat and other sources of saturated fat and cholesterol and sugar. Most all of the health problems underlying the leading causes of death in the United States could be modified by improvements in diet….
Ischemic heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and hypertension are the diseases that kill us......  We cannot afford to temporize. The public wants some guidance, wants to know the truth, and hopefully today we can lay the cornerstone for the building of better health for all Americans through better nutrition. 
Following the 2017 annual American Medical Association conference, Chicago, which were attended by world leading physicians, hospitals and medical institutions in US are moving to ditch meat, eggs and dairy from the menus, by offerring the true healthy plant-based foods for patients, staffs and visitors.

As part of the Preventive Health Care efforts of AMS, their latest handbook of the conference summarized the updated action plans and resolutions of AMA, including to draw active support from state authorities and local medical communities in order to place heavy emphasis on public health care programs and more importantly -- to make healthy plant-based foods more accessible to low-income and high-risk groups, as well as to support the distribution of TRUE nutrient-driven, healthier options of foods for food banks in US.
Plant based foods should be offered to every patient in the hospital. Bacon, sausage , eggs, ham and other processed meats should be removed 
 - Neil Barnard, M.D. , President Of The Physicians Commitee For Rresponsible Medicine

Other doctors at the conference equally confirmed, “This is exactly what we need”,
in response to the plant-based diets based on findings by the World Health Organisation which show that, animal based products cause cancers and other heart related issues.

// Every Piece of your food matters. If you’re inspired to eat in a way that benefits our planet, and the people of the world, SHARE this article to your friends.

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Dr. Neal Barnard on Bringing Healthy Vegan Meals to Hospitals

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Picture source: internet

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