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Showing posts from March, 2018

Hospitals And Medical Institutions in US to Ditch Meat, Eggs, Dairy - 2017 Annual AMA conference, Chicago

Another Breakthrough milestone achieved in the international medical and healthcare industry! . They are among the groups of forefront leaders in medical healthcare lines. They are the upholders of REAL truth with compassion and conscience, not afraid to speak up truth, in order to serve people of the world, be it directly or indirectly, thru various solid actions and initiatives. They believe that Preventive Health Care is the right direction towards sustainable living not only for human, but in turns the benefits extended to ALL other animal beings and the planet. . It took 100 years or more for global medical and healthcare communities to finally wake up to the reality and start taking much more proactive initiatives to promote plant-based dietary habits. = Advertisement = = CONTINUE READING after advertisement = On Sept 1907, New York Times published an article “Cancer Increasing Among Meat Eaters” based on a 7-year scientific study. Science and medical r

So Everyone Has A Mother and Every Mother Has A Child

Alright... So you were born by a mother. You probably have siblings as well. Do you love your mother ? Do you miss the times you had ever have with your mother and siblings ? If you have a mother, or you miss your mother, and even your siblings, keep reading. So every mother has a child... and every child has a mother. = Advertisement = = CONTINUE READING after advertisement = The following are the soul-crunching lines from some of the mothers, who are meat-eaters-turn-vegans, after some deeply-ingrained experience in their life. . My son was baptized the day he was born, with my family surrounding me. We took turns holding him... We took pictures, we held his tiny hands in ours— amazed at the tiny fingers and toes. But it couldn’t last and I knew eventually that I would have to call the nurse to come and get my son... and once I did, I would never hold my son again.  My motherhood was erased when Jonathon died, much like the way we erase the motherhood of anima

The Seafood Creatures You Eat, Can Feel Pain - Latest Studies Revealed

Grass Root People ◆ Veganism ◆ Paradigm Gap

It wasn't until the other night that I realized : in vegan movement there are still more work to be done -- at grass root level communities. . Long journey from the day. I was coming back to my staying area quite late, about nearing 10pm on that night. = Advertisement = = CONTINUE READING after advertisement = . There were still 20 minutes walking distance. Just wanted some quick plant-based food to fill my stomach while on my way back home. But eating place and food stalls were going to close for the day. A batch of curry puffs at a stall caught my eyes. The stall owner was going to pack things up and go home. Without second thought I walked over and asked this young Malay stall onwer if those curry puffs were still available for sale. He showed me some meat curry puffs, meatless potato puff and a few pieces of fried bananas. RM 0.40 per piece and RM 2 for 6 pieces. So I asked for the RM 2 option, with potato puffs only. He picked carefully from the remai