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So Everyone Has A Mother and Every Mother Has A Child

Alright... So you were born by a mother. You probably have siblings as well.
Do you love your mother ?
Do you miss the times you had ever have with your mother and siblings ?

If you have a mother, or you miss your mother, and even your siblings, keep reading.

So every mother has a child... and every child has a mother.
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The following are the soul-crunching lines from some of the mothers, who are meat-eaters-turn-vegans, after some deeply-ingrained experience in their life.
My son was baptized the day he was born, with my family surrounding me. We took turns holding him... We took pictures, we held his tiny hands in ours— amazed at the tiny fingers and toes. But it couldn’t last and I knew eventually that I would have to call the nurse to come and get my son... and once I did, I would never hold my son again. 
My motherhood was erased when Jonathon died, much like the way we erase the motherhood of animals used for food. We pretend it doesn’t exist, because that’s easier than acknowledging the fact that we are taking babies away from their mothers. But the pain of loss is not limited to species. Neither is grief.
- KD Angle-Traegner

I have two sons. If I were a cow, they’d both be dead by now, killed and eaten. I’d still be mourning them, and maybe others, too. However, it’s almost worse to think that if I had daughters they’d be suffering my same fate. Losing a child is any mother’s nightmare, but so is the knowledge that your children are suffering.
The perversion of motherhood is rampant throughout this grotesque system, beyond the gentle mother cows who grieve their children. It’s also present in the thousands of orphaned chickens in barns being raised for meat, peeping for their mothers and finding no comfort. It’s present in the pigs unable to stretch through the aches of pregnancy because they are so tightly confined, and never being able to snuggle with their babies as pigs love to do. It’s present in the chickens laying unfertilized egg after egg until their uteruses prolapse or their bones fracture from the loss of calcium.
- Anna Pipus

With temperatures in the high 70’s, and their cramped confining travel conditions, it reminded me of slavery. I felt so sad as I watched that semi-truck turn slowly in front of me. The chickens looked like they were barely surviving. In that fraction of a moment, which seemed longer than it was, there was no separation between what I was observing, and myself. That day changed my life forever. 
In my observation, there was no need to disturb and take from other animals. I turned to the plants, and let the animals be. They answered my questions, and healed my ailments, as well as my daughter’s eczema. I knew I was on the right path. What a gift we have as mothers, not only to bring life forth, but to produce all that is needed to sustain the life that we give.
- Alkemia Earth

These beautiful animal mothers are forced to be manually or mechanically milked for hours on end, day after day, most of them literally tortured until their bodies can no longer produce at optimally profitable levels, and then they are slaughtered. All of their years of unimaginable pain and loss to satisfy another’s momentary happiness.
I had been fixated with my own nursing relationship with my babies, but I did not spend a moment’s thought on other nursing relationships that I was disrupting every day when I ate my meals.
The animals whose bodies and secretions that we eat, be they cows or pigs or chickens, feel emotions as strongly as we do, and perhaps they feel them even more strongly. They feel the strong bonds of family; they become attached and love each other.
- Rama Ganesan

Is your family precious ?  ; )

In The Name of Love - Say No  to Meat, Eggs, Dairy.
“In the silence of #Love ( #compassion ), you will find the spark of #Life” - Rumi

// Every Piece of your food matters. If you’re inspired to eat in a way that benefits our planet, and the people of the world, SHARE this article to your friends,
or Follow my Facebook Page

Full original read on what the 10 mothers share about their experience

Thank you for reading and sharing !  ; )


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