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Street Cat Story : She Played Like A Human

Cats always steal my heart. I guess it started ever since I had read a kid story book at the age of 6. The chinese story  book was titled The Story Of Little Black, a story of a very faithful domestic cat who had saved the life of his owner's baby, but mis-killed by his owner at the end. I remember I couldn't help weeping every time re-read the book, the B5 size  book of just about 20 pages, with a thick durable book cover. 

The story actually continued from my previous blog post HERE  

So I was walking to my way home the other night, while munching one of the best meatless potato puffs in the world. I decided to take a short break at the nearby shoplot walkway. 

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The sight of a cat playing with a young guy sitting outside a convenience store, caught my attention. I walked up a few more steps. They're still playing happily like brothers, poking each other's hands, and in cat's sense -- legs.
Cats loves playing with human, when they have enough trust towards a person and let their guards down. And the person could even be a stranger.

The cat looked so mesmerized in her playing game with the young guy. The way she moved her gestures showed a stunning resemblance to that of a human. Oh yes, it's SHE, a pregnant cat. 

Standing at the shoplot walkway and observing from 10 steps away, I was about to start tugging in my second piece of meatless curry puff. 

The guy and the cat had enough of their great times together, after 10 minutes. The cat finally crawled out from the space and walked up to my direction, sniffing and looking around each object along the walkway. She looked hungry. Just when I was about to give a little piece of my curry puff to her, she found something and started her meal session. 

By this time I realized she's probably a street cat.

Someone was so nice putting a can of cat food, at the walkway in front of his shop, with the can opened, readily to be eaten by cats. The shop owner probably had noticed a few cats living by the shoplot walkways at this area.

She's probably one of those lucky street cats. Mamak restaurants and food stalls are a lot in this area within 5 minutes walking distance all around. Leftover foods could be easily found most of the times. 

I watched her tugging in her meal small piece by small piece. I love cats but had not thought of keeping any of them. I thought they could live a more free life in any environment or space they love, without being limited in a narrow place.
Street cats at many times do not have fixed meal times. When foods are not available around, they could be so hungry that they would try to plead from any stranger passing by them. 

Sometimes I would share out a few little pieces of the only available food on my hand to them, whenever they walk up to me. I thought they love vegetarian foods as well. Buns with red bean or corn. Fried meatless carrot cakes. When they're feeling not well, they would look for herb grasses and plant leaves. They probably know way better than human which kind of grasses or plant leaves are the best herbs for healing and recovery.

In a sense, streetcats have some kind of advanced levels of survival strength.

Street cats are probably blessed with better survival skills. But they're still in the wheel of samsara. Being born as cats, in any way, they still miss out the precious golden opportunities and privileges that only in human forms could seize. 
The pregnant street cat just now was still enjoying her food. And I was about to finished my next meatless potato puff.
Time was up for me to continue my way home. I recited in my heart a simple prayer to her, wishing her to be free from all kinds of suffering after her cat lifetime.

Oh I forgot to snap a picture of her.

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Thank you for reading and sharing !   ; )


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